53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search.

Organic Search is also the highest channel for revenue results at 44.6%.

Whether you're service-based or product-based, your small business cannot continue to afford ignoring SEO and missing out on this traffic potential.

let's chat about your seo.

did you know?

It all comes down to making sure your site is set up properly to appear higher in Google search results by your potential customer.

don't freak out. seo isn't as scary as you've been told.

SEO involves making sure specific best practices are followed on your website, so that Google feels confident in showing your website in search results for certain keywords.

When that happens, your website has the potential for more visits from potential customers.

Over the last six months after Britt implemented SEO strategies to our website, our website traffic went up 42%. Not only that, but our total store sales went up 89%. 

- ceo, houndsly usa

Britt has been an amazing addition to our team. I love our laid-back work relationship. Knowing I can send a quick email and have her on a project in no time! My clients are so happy knowing their websites actually have real SEO strategies in place at launch and I'm happy knowing they're getting more than just a pretty website.

- ceo, coyote brands

examples of seo content writing:

SEO Client #1 (Photographer)

"I’m listed as the second result for Boston Elopement Photographer. You are the best. I’ve never been ranked on the first page for weddings before!” - SEO Client #1

This website design client of mine was afraid to switch from Squarespace to Showit because of SEO. However, after doing some significant keyword research, forwarding all old links to her new pages, resubmitting her sitemap to Google and giving her those keywords to continue blogging, her SEO continues to stay strong since her website launch in Spring 2021!

SEO Client #2 (Online Educator)

"Thank you for finally helping me to understand SEO. It was so overwhelming before working with you! I feel like I can update my blogs now with the keywords with confidence. And, I'm already seeing an uptick in inquiries and purchases that say they found me from Google! Thanks, Britt!!!” - SEO Client #2

This website design client had a decent amount of website traffic already for a few social posts that went viral and some paid Facebook/IG ads. But, they were looking to improve on their organic Google traffic, while also having a better website design and user experience. This site launched in July 2021!

SEO Client #3 (Videographer)

"I used to be scared of blogging because I felt like it was a waste of time. I didn't know what I was doing at all. But now that I have the structure you created for me with my keywords, I am noticing my Google Analytics Google traffic pick up a lot!” - SEO Client #3

This SEO client had a current website that she didn't want re-designed but she did need help getting traffic to it. I did keyword research with her and changed her Page Titles, Page Descriptions, Image Titles, and consulted with her with blog post ideas using her keywords and a proper structure to make sure she felt comfortable blogging going forward.

I help kind people make tech stuff less scary so they can run the business of their dreams.

search engine optimization

This option includes the following:
• Technical Site Audit
• Keyword Research
• Local Organic Competitor Research
• Blog/Content Suggestions
• Website User Experience Review

option one.

website design

We'll work together to understand the scope of the project you're looking to have designed.

Click the button below to fill out a super quick questionnaire + we'll chat about how to bring your vision to life!

option two.

45-min brand consultation call

45-minute consultation call with me to discuss any questions, concerns or specific details around your brand, website or SEO.

It's an open forum and we can put together a plan for tackling your SEO in the best way.

option three.

$650 - book now

contact for pricing

$250 - book now